Watch videos of the incredible features and improvements in Vectorworks 2024. We explore the new core technologies to all versions, as well as new and updated features for architecture, landscaping, Spotlight, and Vision.
Key Images
Landmark (Gene Leahy Mall at The Riverfront | Courtesy of OJB Landscape Architecture and Dan Schwalm)
Spotlight (Muse: Will of the People | Courtesy of Sooner Rae Creative and Todd Moffses)
Architect (Oyaki Farm by Irohado | Courtesy of Tono Mirai Architects)
Core Technology
UI Modernisation
(Included in Fundamentals, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, and Design Suite)
The updated and modernised user interface makes working in Vectorworks more efficient and easier to customise. The reorganised View and Mode bars bring a wide range of tools to the forefront, so you can decide how to organise and have everything you need right where you need it. And Dark Mode is now available on both Windows and Mac.
Shaded Rendering Shadows Camera Effects
(Included in Fundamentals, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, and Design Suite)
Create higher levels of realism earlier in your design process with improvements to Shaded rendering. Take advantage of unlimited shadow casting in real-time processing to assess your designs more confidently on the fly and quickly determine lighting, camera, and material setup so you can create better visuals more quickly.
Viewport Styles
(Included in Fundamentals, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, and Design Suite)
With new Viewport Styles in Vectorworks 2024, you'll be able to save custom viewport settings as styles, making them easily transferrable between viewports and project files. You'll be able to cut out the tedium of replicating your viewport settings and avoid errors.
3D Dragger Interactive Reshaping
(Included in Fundamentals, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, and Design Suite)
Experience more freedom when transforming your models. The new 3D Dragger will always appear in front of the selected objects for easy access, and contextual handles for translation, rotation, and scale provide comprehensive and intuitive ways to transform selected objects without disruptions. Additional modes like snap-free, planar, and auxiliary rotation options give you the control you need to make your modeling process smoother.
Excel Referencing
(Included in Fundamentals, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, and Design Suite)
Experience better connectivity to external project data stored in Excel files. With the new Microsoft Excel referencing capabilities, you'll be able to create a new reference in Vectorworks, meaning you can opt for automatic updates to referenced files. Additionally, you can make changes in Vectorworks and push the data back to Excel.
Parametric Handrails and Guardrails
(Included in Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, and Design Suite. Not included in Fundamentals.)
Railing improvements bring you the flexibility and accuracy you need to create more custom configurations. This more efficient workflow includes styled objects and more creation options that interact with other model objects like slabs, stairs, and site models. The Railing tool will also support guardrails and handrails as well as configurations designed to help you meet building code and accessibility standards.
Door and Window Advanced Settings
(Included in Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, and Design Suite. Not included in Fundamentals.)
Thresholds and sills are now better represented within wall closures thanks to more detailed geometry. Plus, you have more options to control interior and exterior conditions; gaps around doors and windows can be controlled for each side of the opening. Standardised door handing allows for more accurate geometry and data that support industry standards.
Cabinet Objects Parametric Workflow
(Included in Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, and Design Suite. Not included in Fundamentals.)
Designing that dream kitchen or bathroom just got easier with the new parametric cabinets. You can create and customize configurations or easily replicate popular cabinet styles from more manufacturers. Layout and design built-in cabinetry for any space, creating more realistic visualisation and more accurate documentation.
Wall Closure Sets
(Included in Architect, Landmark, and Design Suite. Not included in Fundamentals or Spotlight.)
Stay in the creative flow with improvements to the Wall tool that bring you the ability to seamlessly switch linear and curved wall modes and to apply multiple configurations of wall component returns related to inserted objects. You'll save time with a simplified workflow aimed at giving you the flexibility you need with fewer clicks in between.
Structural Member Advanced Controls
(Included in Architect, Spotlight, and Design Suite. Not included in Fundamentals or Landmark.)
Streamline your design and documentation processes with improvements to structural members. Find greater control over 2D and 3D attributes, material, shape, and size of styled and instance-based parameters. And with control of auto-joining and support of the Create Objects from Shapes command, you'll save time when designing using these objects.
Site Model Analysis Legends
(Included in Architect, Landmark, and Design Suite. Not included in Fundamentals or Spotlight.)
Experience better control over the graphical output of your site model snapshot with new legends to help clients understand annotations. A highly customisable colour scale provides all the relevant information about slope ranges and elevation values. Additional settings allow you to display customisable site model data, perfect for reference or comparative analyses. Easily visualise data and effectively make and communicate design decisions.
Fence Tool Automated Workflow
(Included in Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, and Design Suite. Not included in Fundamentals.)
Say hello to the new automated Fence tool. Optimised for simplified and detailed representations, the Fence tool supports integrated posts, gates, and terrain-conforming options like raked or panel/stepped. Save significant time while designing in 2D and 3D with accurate material reporting, reducing errors in material specifications.
Spotlight improvements
Equipment Lists
(Included in Spotlight and Design Suite only)
Track your equipment more efficiently in Vectorworks with new Equipment Lists, a unified equipment and inventory tracking process. You'll be able to consolidate all Spotlight objects in a file into concise or highly detailed reports. You'll also be able to add virtual parts and non-drawn items to your report. You'll get precise and accurate reports of necessary equipment that can be easily distributed to clients and vendors alike.
ConnectCAD improvements
ConnectCAD Reports Share
Gone are the days of relying on third-party applications and printed paperwork to view project data. With the new Share Reports command, you'll be able to upload design data to Vectorworks Cloud Services as a configurable worksheet so it can be viewed in a web browser on any device to effortlessly keep your project partners and install team up to date.
ConnectCAD 3D Rack Workflow Panel Visualisation
Design faster with the new unified 3D Rack workflow. In the latest version, you'll be able to quickly design and edit equipment racks in 3D, which will automatically create the required 2D objects. You'll lessen your workload while still creating the views you need all through a more user-friendly interface.
Vision improvements
Vision Projectors
(Included in Vision which is bundled with Spotlight and Design Suite)
Projectors in Vision will now function with the familiar lighting algorithm found in Spotlight, allowing them to cast realistic shadows. You'll be able to control colour temperature, check projector positioning, focus, and keystoning in advance, enabling a more accurate previsualisation workflow when combining lighting and media projectors.
Graphic Legend Advanced Settings
(Included in Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, and Design Suite. Not included in Fundamentals.)
Enhance your workflow with a better way to create custom graphic legends. It’s now easier to align, scale, and alter the dimension of images as well as customise dynamic text. You’ll also be able to preview changes in sorting and class visibility.